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Is Solar Energy Rnewable or Nonrenewable

Is Solar Energy Rnewable or Nonrenewable
Solar Energy
let me think, is solar energy renewable or nonrenewable ?
what is make certain form of energy renewable or nonrenewable ? its natural or its cost or its source or what?

first, solar energy isn't nonrenewable resource, as nonrenewable resources are the resources that will expire over a certain time for frequent use and are available in nature with limited quantities, they include fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal all species that formed over the years in the ground.

second, renewable resources are natural resources permanent and non-depleted and are available in nature, whether limited or unlimited, but renewed constantly a clean does not produce environmental contamination and the most important of these sources is the solar energy.

Answer the question of " is solar energy renewable or nonrenewable?

so now we can answer the question of " is solar energy renewable or nonrenewable? " 

solar energy is the most important and largest new and renewable resources on earth and features availability and cheaper operating costs and cleanliness compared with non-renewable resources, but it is still the most expensive energy in construction costs.

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